About Blog/О Блоге

Hi there!

This blog is created to share my thoughts and a bit of insight on the video games industry. It's bilingual - each post created in Russian will be soon translated into English and appropriate link will be added to the top of the post. Later, probably, I will come with a better solution, but for now, please, either use google translate feature or wait for a day or two after new content is added.
Всем привет!

Этот блог я создавал с целью рассказать свои мысли и показать немного "внутряка" игровой индустрии. Блог двуязычный, т.е. пост сначала создаётся на русском, а после переводится на английский. При этом в топ поста будет добавлена соответствующая ссылка. Возможно, в будующем я приду к более элегантному решению. А пока, пожалуйста, или воспользуйтесь гугло-переводчиком, или подождите день-два, если хотите почитать английскую версию.

Merry Christmas and happy new year

Hi all!

Christmas and New Year are really special dates for each one of us. These are days, when all of us try to do some good to other, when something called 'light' rises in our souls and we all live waiting for a really special miracle, disregarding what is our age. We purchase gifts for ourselves and for others, which are pushed to our eyes in every corner of our world. We try to contact those, whom we have not seen for a long time. We try to make next year better and we want to live better!

Merry Christmas! I wish you to receive a personal miracle this year!

If you play tanks, below you may find a small gift. Later I plan to also post some other bonuses from other game, so you can collect them all during festive season without facing special difficulties.

WGNY2014 - просто активируйте код.

P.S. Thx for reading my small and not often updated blog!

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